“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce”
Proverbs 3:9
Your generosity of gifts is extremely important to us to keep our ministry running, where we continue to see God transforming lives for the purpose of spreading the Gospel.
Our online Give is a secure site. It’s easy, safe, and you
control when and how often you wish to give.
Our online giving allows you to use a credit
card, directly from your bank, or Google Pay,
PayPal and Apple Pay.
Online Giving allows you to select specifically
which fund your money will support.
- General Fund tithes & offerings
- Deacons Fund
- Missions Fund
- Memorial Fund
- Building Fund
- Special drives i.e. Joy Offering, Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas in October, One Great Hour of Sharing.
Other ways to give financially:
Your own personal bank’s online payment, check with your bank for details.
Checks payable to LCPC can be placed in the offering basket or mailed.
Cash placed in the offering basket during the worship service offertory.
Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church
9908 Channel Road
Lakeside, CA 92040
Lakeside, CA 92040