Note from Pastor Tim. . .


I hope that you were able to come to the “Back to Church BBQ” that took place last weekend at LCPC. The weather cooperated (the temperature was just right) and a lot of people put some great effort into making it a fun evening. It was a good time with around 100 people in attendance and I hope that you were one of the many that won some great prizes. Check out the pictures that were taken on our church’s Instagram page (  So thank you for all the people who helped to make it a fun time.


The purpose of the evening was to welcome people “back to church” and for me (as the new guy around here) to meet some people that I haven’t met or haven’t seen around church for a while. I did get to meet many people, some who were connected to the church and others who were coming to the church for the first time. Be praying that we will continue to engage with more and more people in our community and that our encounters will point them to Jesus.


My hope is that we will continue to have these types of events on a regular basis so that there are ways that you can easily invite a friend or a neighbor to connect with our church and with Jesus.


Here are the upcoming events that you can put on your calendar and invite others to attend:


  • October 10 – Soup Supper and Tim Talk: Come and enjoy a potluck soup or a chili dish (along with chips, bread and drinks) and I will be sharing about my year of serving at LCPC and what is in store for the coming year.
  • October 18 –Ends of the Earth” movie at the Regal Rancho San Diego in El Cajon Join others from LCPC and churches from around East County as we view this documentary movie which explores faith, passion, and how hope emerges from tragedy, Ends of the Earth weaves together true stories of Mission Aviation Fellowship pilots—past and present—who strive with missionaries and local believers to take the gospel to the most remote places on earth.
  • October 23 – Trunk or Treat We will once again be hosting a community wide Trunk or Treat in our church parking.



Details will be coming on how you can participate in each of these events. 


Know that I am praying for you! Have a great rest of the week and I hope to see you on Sunday.

Note from Pastor Tim . . .

A Note from Pastor Tim . . .

Can I say that I love being your pastor?

I look forward to every day when I get to pray for our church, dream about our church, and think about all the things that can and will take place at our church. I love to work to prepare for Sunday morning worship services, working on my sermon, visiting many of you and planning for the future. I love to get out into the community, to meet knew people, and to pray for things that are going on.

Sure there are days of frustration, of wondering what is going to happen next. It has been frustrating maneuvering through COVID and different transitions and getting settled but through it all, I can say that I love it. Partly it is because I have been getting to know many of you. You have a love for God and for His church. You want to see God’s Kingdom here in Lakeside and in East County, just as it is in heaven, and can I say that it is happening in small ways here at LCPC.

This weekend as we celebrate with a Community BBQ on Saturday and “Back to Church” worship service on Sunday, I am looking forward to seeing a bit of God’s Kingdom here in Lakeside. It will be good to hang-out on Saturday with many of you and to meet some of your friends and other new people, to eat some good food and have fun together. On Sunday, I am excited that we get to gather together, to worship together, to pray and praise God together and to celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together.

As we gather back for a start to the Fall Season, there are a few things that will be happening that I want to encourage you to considering being a part:

  • First, on Sunday, we are gathering for worship at 9:45am. It is a different time but it will give us a chance to prepare for worship, grab a up of coffee to sip and have a bite of food to eat. We also will have coffee and refreshments after the worship service so don’t worry if you don’t like coming early. I will also be starting a new sermon series on The Good and Beautiful God, which will help us “know and love the God that Jesus loves.”
  • Second, our Adult Sunday School Class is starting back again, meeting at 11:00am. Linda and John Sunkel will be leading a new series entitled, I have read Randy Alcorn’s book on heaven, (which the Sunday School series is based on) and it is a refreshing book that provides some great insights in what we believe about heaven.
  • Third, I am leading a few small group experiences during the week:
    • On Tuesdays, at 1pm, I want to invite you to join me for a “sneak peek” into the upcoming Sunday sermon. It won’t be a formal “Bible Study” but I will give some of the insights and “pull back the curtain” for the text that will be used on Sunday. You can ask questions and pick my brain as we talk about the Biblical text.
    • On Thursday mornings, at 11am, I will be leading a small group as we study and glean insights from the book, The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. It is the book that is the basis for the sermon series but there are many insights from the book that can’t be shared on Sundays.
    • Then on Thursday evenings, at 6pm, I am leading a Prayer and Praise We will sing some songs and give praise to our God, pray for one another and our needs, for our church and for our community.

So I hope that you can join in some of the ministries and events that are taking place this Fall.

Know that I am praying for you and I hope to see you this weekend!