Pastor’s Note 06/09/22
“… whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven;
they are guilty of an eternal sin.”
Mark 3:29
This week as we continue our study in the Book of Mark we come across the above verse where Jesus talks about a sin that will never be forgiven and we wonder, “Is there something in our lives that we have done that God won’t forgive?” Is there a deep sin that He won’t forgive? Come this Sunday morning as we see what this passage means for us.
It is a busy weekend at church with an All-Church Work Day on Saturday starting at 8:00am, followed by a Memorial Service for Maxine Elliot at 1:00pm. On Sunday join us for Worship at 9:45am, followed by Adult Sunday School at 11am and the Women’s Tea at Joy Wray’s house at 2pm.
Have a great rest of the week and I hope that you can join us some time this weekend.
Pastor’s Note 06/03/22
I just checked the weather app. on my phone and the temperatures are supposed to drop this weekend so it will be a perfect day for a picnic this Sunday!
I hope that you will make plans to be at our Sunday Worship Service and All-Church Potluck Picnic at Lindo Lake. Worship starts at 9:45am followed by the picnic. There should be plenty of food (you all are good at bringing food*), games and all the amenities of the park to have a great day.
Looking forward to being together.